Welcome to the Outside Sources Exhibit, which displays the content of non-Biblical sources that confirm important facts found in the New Testament.

Early Historians
Enemies of Jesus

From non-biblical historical sources alone, we can reconstruct the following facts regarding the events surrounding the New Testament:

4 BC


26-27 AD

Jesus begins his ministry. Approximately 3 years later, he IS CRUCIFIED and his DISCIPLES PROCLAIM his RESURRECTION

313 AD

emperor constantine issues the edict of milan, establishing religious tolerance of christianity

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Given that the copies of the Bible are faithful to the original, how do we know that the original itself was telling the truth about an actual event?

One of the criteria is to see if there are some cross-references from outside sources that corroborate the same event or situation. There are numerous other non-biblical sources and historians that recorded the events surrounding Jesus and the early church.
